How To Have Control Without Being Hands On.
Learning to let go has to be the hardest thing to do in business. After all, we are hardwired to do the absolute opposite. We start our businesses on our own and make plenty of mistakes, learning and improving along the way, but we’ve had to do everything by ourselves so the business continues to grow and keeps moving toward where we want it to be. Plus we are responsible for everything that happens making it even tougher to let go of the reigns.
But the benefits of being able to let go completely out weight those of being completely in control. So what if there was a way to stay in control without having to be hands on? That is exactly what we tackle in this episode. You will be able to identify your controlling tendencies using the 4 signs and be able to make changes to make sure they are benefitting your business. Your team will be able to make mistakes in a way that is safe, and allows them to grow as employees, which is ultimately a win for you and your business.
Make sure you listen for the tip about how you can maintain control without being hands on or having to micromanage your staff. It’ll make you more confident in your team and reduce the feeling of overwhelm, while you learn new leadership and management skills. Sometimes it can be hard to notice the controlling tendencies and admit they are real, but once you do you can use it to your advantage.
- An ability to identify control tendencies using the 4 signs
- Be able to control without needing to be hands on, or over your team’s shoulder
- A new approach to how things can be done
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