When should I hire?
Growing your business can be a tough one… who do I look for? Where is the best place to look? How much will a new employee cost me? When should I hire? Well me and Phil chucked on the headphones and stepped up to microphones to shed some light on the topic.
The idea of hiring someone and not being able to keep them busy or the thought of just making yourself busier than before you hired is scary. Don’t worry, we tackle that too, there’s some bits of gold in there that will give you the confidence to grow your team. Because the thought of hiring should be exciting, after all do you know how much revenue a tradesperson generates each month? You can find out in the episode.
Once you know when to hire, if you want help with a hiring process, or if you get your new crew member in place and want some tips on how to keep your workflow consistent… I know a guy (it’s me). Book a free 15 minute call and lets talk about how we can take your business to the next level. Worst case scenario you leave with some tips to get you started. Best case, we talk about how the Profitable Tradie programs can help you get your business to where you’ve always wanted it
to be.
- Confidence to grow your team
- An understanding of how much revenue a tradesperson generates each month
- Reduced stress levels, and burn out
- Join our FREE private community of trades business owners in our Facebook group
- Ready to take your business to the next level? Fill in this form to see if what we do will work for you and your business
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