Episode 75

Published on:

30th Jun 2023

7 Deadly Cashflow Mistakes to Avoid

Do you have an accounts receivable process?

If you answered no, there’s bad news for you…

Because that’s the second thing on this list of cashflow mistakes to avoid.

The other 6 are covered in the episode.

Almost every business will encounter problems that are a result of poor cashflow at some stage.

And absolutely every business could be better at managing cashflow.

It’s really important because as a business, getting this wrong is basically oxygen deprivation.

You can’t pay your bills and your business dies.

Yes, that’s the extreme end of the scale…

But the problems are just as bad at the other end.

Getting this wrong could mean your margin is slipping through your fingers every time you finish a job.

Without you really knowing it’s happening, or why.

It’s a sickening feeling realizing there are holes where you’re literally leaking profit.

Thinking about how long it’s been that way, and how much you’ve lost already.

Let this be your sign to see where you stand.

Plugging the gaps is often simple.

But the simple changes in behavior will have a massive impact.

Whether that’s for your business, as it becomes easier to pay bills or invest back into the business.

Or for you, as you find it easier to sleep at night because you know where the money’s going, and that it's not disappearing.



  • An understanding of the ‘cash gap’
  • Mindset and strategy for success when collecting debt
  • Processes you can launch into your business to improve cashflow
  • Peace of mind that your cashflow isn’t being effected if you can check off each mistake on the list


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About the Podcast

The Profitable Tradie Podcast
How to build a profitable Plumbing, Electrical or similar business that gives you the time, money and freedom to enjoy life.
Are you the owner of a Plumbing, Electrical, or similar service business and looking to increase your profits and regain your freedom?

If you answered yes to any of the above then follow/subscribe now, this is the podcast for you!

Presented by Tony Fraser-Jones and Phil Smith from Profitable Tradie. We dive into what it takes to build a profitable trades business that gives you the time and freedom you deserve.

We touch on topics like...
- How to hire decent tradespeople.
- What to do when clients don't pay their invoice.
- How to get around people beating me down on what I charge.
- Should I buy or lease my next van/truck?
- How to get my team to get off their phones and be motivated for work.
- The second easiest way to increase your profitability.

Along with sharing a ton of free resources so you can get started on what we're discussing right away!

We also talk with some of the world's most successful trades business owners and learn how they took their businesses from mediocre to multimillion.

In short. We don't know what we don't know.

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Tony Fraser Jones