Why our teams don't like change & how to get them onboard.
Ever struggled to get your guys to fill out their paperwork?
To them it’s just an extra step on the job which they can’t be bothered doing.
To you it’s crucial for making sure you can invoice the job.
It’s a simple step, but sometimes it feels like pulling teeth and despite reminding them over and over again they still don’t do it.
The thing is, there’s a lot more going on under the surface that we can’t see and that’s why they don’t change their bad habits.
This episode covers an approach that’s been tweaked and refined with our members over the years.
This will make change easier to carry out and will help it stick.
Plus it will help you understand why your team can be so resistant.
More often than not they don’t even know that they’re doing it.
Because they're stuck in old ways, or don’t completely understand the change itself, let alone the reason for doing it.
Sometimes as business owners we're not that best at explaining it.
So if communication has a tendency to cause you some problems, you're gonna love this approach.
We know you've done your research and thought things through, it would be nice if your team thought the same way.
But they don't.
So let’s change that.
- The ‘unfreeze, change, refreeze’ approach
- End any resistance to change from your team
- How to get commitment out of your team
- An ability to change or improve processes and behaviors without your team going back to old ways
- Book a FREE 15-minute call to learn what coaching could do for you business
- Join our FREE private community of trades business owners in our Facebook group
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
- Get a copy of the Profitable Tradie book
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